Sunday, August 05, 2007

Another Treasure

The quest for Yamashita's Treasure might have been largely fueled by something akin to a will o' the wisp, something very nebulous and shapeless which does not really entice because of promises of fabulous wealth but more triggers the curiousity. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision myself swimming in a pond of gold and gemstones. The bigger thought that kept my mind transfixed on this quixotic quest was the thought of seeing it for myself. Never did I think that should I really come face to face with the fabled treasure, my own life would be in jeopardy.

There is never a dearth of Treasure stories in the Philippines and many foreigners come in search of these treasures. I have met one Japanese guy who has spent millions in his own quest only to fall prey to impostors and confidence men who milked him of his money and led him to failure after failure in his quest that he was so ashamed to go back and lived in Cagayan de Oro in poverty.

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